After my recent visa experience, I learnt a lesson. And I want to share it with you guys.
Never apply to one country only. Always keep a backup and apply everywhere, side by side. What I did was I was aiming for Italy. I took help from this group, all the way through. Applying to universities, asking for recommendations and so on.
I should have applied to other EU countries when I had the time. There’s Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, so many options.
So here are the four countries I’ve shortilisted for BA for next year.
I’ll reapply to Italy. As for POland, they have the lowest tuition fees, ranging from 0 – 2000 EUR. I’ve kept my budget upto 1300 EUR max. for tuition. Ofc some programs at some unis have higher fees, but I’m not taking those into consideration, and I’m sure you guys won’t either. The point is too keep the cost as low as possible, while studying at an international uni. Poland has probably the lowest living costs in the EU. 200 – 500 EUR. So that’s another plus point.
Similarly, you have Germany with no tuition fee. SOme unis ahave a semester fee of 300 – 400 EUR, which is mandatory. The main expense is living expenses. Now, I’ll go for Germany only if I take an A Level exam, since I currently have 3 subjects, and 4 are mandatory. If youve done FSc, you’ll need to do 1 year bachelor in Pak.
Now Belgium. Belgium has the best unis, KU Leuven is at the top. BBA costs 2000 EUR. My program, theology, costs 1250 EUR per year. The living costs are the same as Germany. 650 – 800 EUR.
Out of all the options, Italy is the best, considering the regional scholarship which covers our living expenses. But given the visa’s unpredictability it’s alwasys best to apply elsewhere too. Because this small miscalculation, I’m having to wait a whole year.
Admissions to Poland are still open. But I’ll get an appointment in November, and the uni’s deadline to be in Poland is 30th Oct.
So here was a small piece of advice. I know it’s too late for you guys too. But best of luck. I hope everyone gets the visa InshaAllah. If youre applying next year, and youre reading this, please do consider my suggestion.